Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

u must know it !

i've been living my alone
trying to get you out of my life
but after all this time
i can't help myself but miss you

you're once a dream that came true
an illusion that turned to reality
but suddenly, things turned differently
the way they used to be
untill such time i have no choice but to let you go

you're the reason for my sleepless nights
coz you keep stayin' on my mind
i can't help myself from crying
coz i'm missing you so much........

all the pain & sadness are bound inside my heart
all the memories are still preserve in my mind
i miss you so much
coz i can't hide the fact that i'm still inlove with you

my life will never be the same again
now that you're gone
i'll be trapped in this loneliness forever
unless a girl like you will bloom into my life again....

I thought this was a letter I would never have to write,
I hoped my tongue was something I could bite.
I've realized its just something I cannot do,
Here are my feelings, just a few.
First, I'm still so In Love with you, after all this time,
You told me the same, then left me, what a crime.
Time has passed, everyday you're on my mind,
Your love is with someone else now, what a bind.

You knock on the door & seems so sincere. Slowly convinving me to open the
door. Eventually I allowed you into take a sit. You did not stay long,
disappearing as sudden as u've appear.
Anger emerge from this sudden emptiness. You got me adapted to your
companionship only to pick up & leave.
I opened the door, allowing myself to be vulnerable, believing that you'll
protect me & shelter me from reality, but instead, the one that I entrusted
my heart & soul was the one that hurt me most.

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