Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Don't come back to me, asking for a chance. 
I gave you one, but you were too blinded to see it. 
So when I finally find someone who I could possibly fall in love with, don't come by saying that I never gave you a chance. I gave you one, a big one. 
The ball was at your feet, but you decided to kick it out, not score a goal.
I was in love with you for so long. I waited, but I'm done waiting.

Hey you, just ignore me after this.
I'm still the same if we ever meet again. 
Just as I told you before we suddenly stop talking to each other,
I'm never gets tired of loving. I know, no one in this world ever gets tired of loving.
But everyone gets tired of waiting, assuming, saying sorry, hearing promises and all the hurting.

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